Are you searching among the branches?
The branches are such a beautiful part of tree. It’s what we are drawn to- the color, the smell, the texture, the way the leaves rustle in the breeze. No attention is really given to the roots, even though it is the roots doing so much of the work. The roots pull in the nutrients giving life to the tree, they keep the tree grounded through incredible storms, they reach deep and they reach wide. They sit in the dirt and the mud and that is where they work their magic of sustaining and grounding the rest of the tree.
I recently ran across this Rumi quote that said “Maybe you are searching among the branches for what only appears in the roots.” I love it. I love that it is a call to a deeper life. So often we seek the instant pleasure, or the easy way out. Are we using money and materials to fill a void? Are we engaging in shallow conversations so that we don’t offend, or get too close, or too invested in other people who might take our time, or our energy, or who it may hurt to love?
It’s important to reflect on what and who it is that grounds us, or perhaps it’s a place. The more ways that we can be grounded, that is connected to our true selves and to others in meaningful and lasting ways, the more we can stand taller in who we are, and bear the fruit of a meaningful and grounded life. When we are well connected, deeply rooted in our convictions, our community, our authentic self, and the spirit it will show in all that we do. Those are the things that help us get through the ups and downs of life.
It’s certainly worth exploring.